Ray Ingram
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Most crime is opportunist, committed on the spur of the moment, or when a car or house is left unlocked. This means there is enormous scope for reducing chances for criminals.

The main aim of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme is to create a partnership between the local community, the police and the local authority.

Neighbourhood Watch started in the UK in 1982. There are now some 150,000 schemes running throughout the UK covering nearly five million households, which makes Neighbourhood Watch the largest voluntary movement in the country.

What can Neighbourhood Watch schemes do?

They can target local crime problems and take action to prevent them. In consultation with the local police they can find out from local people what crimes most concern and affect them and focus on those specific problems.

Most crime is opportunist, committed on the spur of the moment, or when a car or house is left unlocked. This means there is enormous scope for reducing chances for criminals.

Traditional Neighbourhood Watch activity has focused on the immediate vicinity of homes. However, more and more schemes are now broadening their range of work.

Local problems such as combating anti-social behaviour, vandalism and graffiti are well within the scope of a well-organised neighbourhood watch scheme. You can also take action such as fitting more secure door and window locks in vulnerable homes. You could also lobby the local authority, for example, to improve street lighting or step up the security of a communal entrance.

For more information contact Ray Ingram

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Be vigilant, be safe.

Most crime is opportunist, committed on the spur of the moment, or when a car or house is left unlocked. This means there is enormous scope for reducing chances for criminals.


Crime News

Our latest post can be seen here...

February 17, 2025

Sussex Alerts - Wealden Police



There were a total of 17 arrests made last week across the Wealden district.

We arrested 8 individuals for assault in Crowborough, Hailsham, Willingdon, Uckfield, Wadhurst and Polegate.

2 arrests were made for criminal damage in Wadhurst and Stone Cross.

1 driver was arrested for driving dangerously in Hailsham.

Other offences included drug driving and failure to appear at court.

See something we need to know? Please make sure you report it to us by phoning 101 or reporting online - we're on hand 24/7!

Tackling and deterring anti-social behaviour 🚫

PC Upton and PC Dudley have been working closely with Tesco in Hailsham, following unacceptable and anti-social behaviour from youths.

With incidents typically occurring before and after school, officers have had to step in to assist Tesco in managing such behaviours. You may see us patrolling the area and the store to keep youth ASB to a minimum.

Anti-social behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated in our community. If you see or hear something we need to know about, please call us on 101 or report online here https://www.sussex.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/

Community Engagement

Keeping our communities safe and educated is always priority.

PCSO Jackson PCSO Choppin attended the women’s institute in Fairwarp, to discuss and educate the ladies on the types of scams.

Whilst there, they took the opportunity to include a VAWG (violence against women and girls) chat about keeping safe from harm, how to stay safe on a night out and spatial awareness - including when out walking /jogging and the use of ear pods.

There were 17 ladies in attendance, all of which asking lots of questions and were very thankful for our time and input!

What 3 Words

Have you downloaded What 3 Words?

what3words has given every 3 metre square in the world a unique identifier made of 3 words - making the location of any emergency or non-emergency incident very easy to describe and share.

The app works offline, even in areas with no internet access,by using the device’s GPS signal.

Stay prepared and download the free what3words app so we know exactly where to provide assistance when it matters most.

Contact us

For non-emergency incidents or crime prevention advice, click  www.sussex.police.uk,  (If you report a crime online, we will assess it in the same way as a 101 call). 

Call 101 when you do not require an urgent response. In an emergency when life is threatened or there is immediate danger always call 999.

Speak to us face-to-face at a police station or contact the local policing team at www.sussex.police.uk/area/your-area. 

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, you can contact us using TypeTalk on 18000 or by sending a text to 65999.

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